Colsys s.r.o. was founded in 1990. From the very start the main activity of the company has been the installation of security systems. Colsys gradually expanded their scope and today is specializing not only in security systems, but also in fire and communication systems, audio-visual technology, warning systems, building automation, high-voltage electrical installations and power engineering. We are able to supply complete technical equipment of buildings including construction works. We are therefore a system integrator, who distinguishes itself on the market by its ability to undertake contracts even as a general contractor.
At Colsys, we honor social responsibility as a key aspect of our business. In practice, this means that we are actively involved in creating and strengthening relationships with our partners and communities in all areas - social, environmental and economic. Specifically, this includes respecting human rights, caring for our employees, supporting job creation, supporting lifelong learning, supporting non-profit organizations, protecting the environment, sustainable use of renewable resources, saving energy, water and other resources, fighting corruption and continuously striving for improvement the quality of our products and services.
We pride ourselves on being a socially responsible company and are always ready to lend a hand where needed.
© Copyright Colsys.