


The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic

Our company is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic.

The Association of Fire Alarm Systems of the Czech Republic

Our company is a full member of the Association of Fire Alarm Systems of the Czech Republic.


In 2022-2023, Colsys s.r.o. implements the project "Reduction of the Energy Demand of Building E of Colsys s.r.o.", supported by the National Recovery Plan program within the Photovoltaic Systems with/without Accumulation I Call. Challenge - activity a) Financial support from the European Union was provided for the project.

Národní plán obnovy
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

In 2020-2022, Colsys s.r.o. implemented the project"Universal Security Platform for Buildings, Infrastructure, and Industry", supported by the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness Applications - Call VII. Financial support from the European Union was provided for the project. 


Electric Vehicle Support Program
The project aimed to acquire a Toyota Proace City Verso electric vehicle. The goal was to reduce transport emissions within our company.
The result of the implemented project is the acquisition of a zero-emission vehicle for the company's business needs. The aim of this project is to save on vehicle operating costs, support ecology and environmental protection.

Národní rozvojová banka
Národní plán obnovy

In the years 2015-2019, the following projects took place in our company:

  • Participation in foreign trade fairs OP PIK Marketing Challenge I
  • Development of the VoiceGuard system
  • Development of the Mobile Operating Client for the Integration Rescue System
  • Development of the interface of the video detection system supported by the Operational Programme Business and Innovation for Competitiveness